Discover the 5 best strategies for finding and recruiting new affiliates web publishers for your program.
Let’s face it. Finding new affiliates for your program is sometimes easier said than done. It doesn’t have to be though. Publisher Finders, the leading source of publishers and affiliates, is ready to help make this process as smooth as possible.
Below, you will discover the 5 best strategies for finding and recruiting new affiliates web publishers for your program.
Leveraging customer reviews
Show off what people have to say about your business! People are willing to invest in a business that has positive things to say about it. It is no different when affiliates join certain programs. On your landing page, highlight confident feedback that customers are leaving about your customer service, specific products, and so on. Affiliates want to know that they are going to be promoting a business worth investing in.
Turn existing customers into affiliates
What better way to find affiliates for your program than with people who already appreciate your brand? Customers that frequent your business are the ones most likely to advocate for it because they are already invested in your products and or service! The chances are they already have been recommending you to people in their inner circle, so it’s a no-brainer that they would be able to keep doing it on a bigger scale and for a commission. By inviting your customers to become affiliates, you are offering more value which will make them eager to work with you.
Conducting keyword research
Search engine optimization is likely not a new concept, but making sure you’re doing it correctly might be. Make certain that you are plugging in high-ranking keywords on your web pages and content in order to maximize your search efforts. Knowing which words and phrases to use and expanding on them, will increase your search ranking – which is important if your goal is to attract and recruit relevant affiliates to your program. Keyword research will help you know how you are ranking in your industry. If internet users can’t find you, neither will affiliates.
Partnering with complementary businesses
Collaboration is something that will never go out of style. This allows you to extend your coverage which will generate more leads and more potential affiliates for your business. This is possible by doubling the number of resources you have, boosting your brand, and having access to additional experts. Not only will you be reaching potential affiliates, but you will also have access to an extensive pool of potential customers making this strategy a win-win.
Look for niche content creators and influencers in your industry
Similar to leveraging customer reviews, people are willing to devote their time and money to something that someone with a following is doing. Influencers and content creators have authority over an audience due to their popularity. Their followers could likely be your next affiliates or customers. They already know the industry, and it will bring them closer to their favorite influencer. This will grow your affiliate program because while recruiting creators and influencers, you are also finding new affiliates.
Time to put these strategies to use and find your new affiliates ASAP. Your program doesn’t have to wait, and neither should you. Get started now with a FREE 14-day trial to Publisher Finders and all it has to offer!