How Affiliate Managers Can Easily Search and Recruit Relevant Super-Affiliates

Publisher Finders is here to be by your side through all your stages of promotion– starting with finding affiliates and publishers for your affiliate program.

When it comes to your online brand, there are many ways to grow your company, but have you considered recruiting quality affiliates and web publishers for your affiliate program?  Publisher Finders is here to be by your side through all your stages of promotion– starting with finding publishers for your affiliate program.


Publisher Finders aims to help affiliate managers and influencer managers find affiliate marketers, publishers, content creators, influencers, and other affiliate partnerships. Created by Evan Weber, an expert in e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and digital marketing, Weber helped develop the software to allow any brand to easily search and find relevant publishers by keyword and access lists containing an abundance of sources. All stored in our incredibly easy-to-search database, subscribers can access these quality publishers and recruit them to grow their affiliate program and promote their brand online. This means that with just a few clicks a fantastic publisher wants to work with you! Sign up for our FREE 14-day trial. Ensure that you are satisfied with our service before fully committing to a monthly or annual subscription.


Publisher Finders was created to provide you with all of the tools you’ll need to find the best quality affiliates, super-affiliates and publishers, from our extension affiliate database, to promote your brand. Keep reading to find out how supplying your affiliate program with talented affiliates, bloggers, publishers and influencers who can elevate your ad campaigns and your brand online:


  1. Keep your image up to date

Chances are that doing all of the work for your brand all by yourself can leave you spread thin. There is no shame in having other people help you out. Recruiting quality auper-affiliates and publishers can help you make sure that your ad campaigns and content remains current and accurate in order to maintain the image of your brand. This is especially important in the digital age where utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to turn out page clicks and links is crucial to your online presence and traffic generation.


  1. Build relationships with your customer base

In addition to keeping your image up to date, you’ll want to stay connected with your existing customers and recruit new ones with your brand on the rise. By having a clean image, you will be more reputable with your customers which will make them trust investing with you in your brand whether it be recommendations to friends and family, posting about you online, or buying your products.

  1. Make a reputation in the professional world

Working with others is not always the easiest task in the world, but it can turn out the most valuable results. Perks 1 and 2 will help support you for this one. People will want to continue to work with you when you are credible and reliable in your work. This is also a way to network and find publishers to work with beyond our database sources.


Growing your affiliate program with quality web publishers and affiliates on your team to promote your online branding doesn’t have to be complicated when you choose to work with your friends at Publisher Finders. Your online branding will basically be growing on its own once you connect with relevant publishers from our database. Try our FREE 14-day trial TODAY – no credit card required!